Old Karuizawa Ginza Street

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Old Karuizawa Ginza Street

Souvenir and gourmet shops are packed on this prominent shopping street in Karuizawa.

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Millions love to visit this must-to-see shopping street in Karuizawa each year. Souvenir stores with local specialties and gourmet shops serving take-out meals and sweets cluster here. Not only the main street, but also the alleys have fun stores. Take time to explore them and find your treasure.

Jam, bread, and honey are the staples of summer cottage towns, but there are traditional Karuizawa carvings and a variety of intriguing items to be discovered. Take-out gourmets include crepes, croquettes, piroshkis, and pizza that you can eat as you meander. From light snacks to filling meals, the menu is wide. Lots of cafes along the street offer you a break when you get tired of walking.


  • Millions love to visit this popular shopping street in Karuizawa each year.
  • Souvenir and gourmet takeout shops cluster on this prominent shopping street
  • Jam, bread, honey, traditional Karuizawa carvings, and a variety of items are available.
  • Crepes, croquettes, and other take-out gourmets to accompany your walk.


  • During the travel season, many tourists visit this prominent street in Karuizawa

    During the travel season, many tourists visit this prominent street in Karuizawa

  • Old Karuizawa Ginza Street

    Old Karuizawa Ginza Street

  • Old Karuizawa Ginza Street

    Old Karuizawa Ginza Street


  • 快晨时分


  • 李修銘



Name in Japanese
Postal Code
Karuizawa, Karuizawamachi, Kitasakugun, Nagano
0267-45-6050 (Karuizawa Tourist Information Center in the Kutsukake Terrace)
Varies by store
Varies by store
From Hokuriku Shinkansen, Karuizawa Station, ride Kusakaru Kotsu Bus bound for Kita Karuizawa / Kusatsu Onsen for 4 min. Get off at Kyu Karuizawa and walk for 5 min.
Credit Cards
Varies by store
Official Website
Official Website (Japanese)