The world’s first museum, curating sand creations. It is produced by Katsuhiko Chaen, who was selected as “100 Most Respected Japanese People.” He invites sand sculptors from all over the world to display sand sculpture at the global top level.
The theme changes each year. After the exhibition period, the sculptures are all leveled, unavailable any other time. To be gentle to the environment, the policy bans glue and the intricate sculptures are all made from the sand and water alone. See for yourself the creations as if they are about to move!
Around the theme “Travel around the World in Sand,” northern Europe, Asia, Czech and Slovak, etc. were used as a theme in the past. Taking photos of sand sculptures is permitted.
Exhibition is from mid April through January in the following year. (different each year. Check the website)
The theme changes every year and you cannot see the same work ever again.
The intricate creations of the world’s top artists are gathered in this museum.
You are allowed to take photos.