Tottori Prefectural Flower Park(Tottori Hanakairo)

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Tottori Prefectural Flower Park(Tottori Hanakairo)

One of the largest flower parks in Japan.

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With Mt. Daisen, a tall and beautiful mountain, as a borrowed landscape, this is one of the largest flower parks in Japan where visitors can enjoy seasonal flowers.

The main flower is the lily, with more than 100 varieties displayed throughout the year. Nearly half of the world's lily varieties are cultivated here, and all 15 species of lilies native to Japan, including the "Ukeyuri,(Lilium alexandrae)" also known as the "phantom lily," are on display at this valuable facility.
The on-season is from mid-May to mid-August when about 80,000 lilies are fully blooming.

The vast 50-hectare site includes the Flower Dome, a huge glass greenhouse 50 meters in diameter and 21 meters high, a covered observation corridor 1 km in circumference and 25 meters above the ground, a water flower bed, and the European Garden. The Flower Dome boasts more than 500 magnificent orchid plants, including palm trees and other tropical and subtropical plants.

"Moonlight Flower Garden" is held on weekends in May and August. In addition, "Flower Illumination" will be turned on from mid-November. This illumination, which is one of the largest in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions, offers a romantic night time garden experience. It creates a fantastic space lit up with 14,000 lights that are inspired by moonlight.


  • With Mt. Daisen in the background, visitors can enjoy lilies and other seasonal flowers.
  • The garden is equipped with a huge all-weather greenhouse and an observation corridor.
  • There are illuminated nighttime garden events.


  • Flower fields with Mt.Daisen

    Flower fields with Mt.Daisen

  • A variety of flowers can be seen throughout the four seasons

    A variety of flowers can be seen throughout the four seasons


  • 張雪超

    鳥取花迴廊是日本最大級別的花卉主題公園之一, 在園區內可以將日本名山“大山”的雄偉壯麗盡收眼底。 這公園有許多品種的花,非常美麗。園方提供免費穿梭巴士來回米子JR車站,十分方便。

  • Wei Ming


  • Jade Chen



Name in Japanese
Postal Code
110 Tsuruda, Nambucho, Saihakugun, Tottori
Tuesdays from July to August and from December to March (or the following day if a national holiday falls on a Tuesday)
April to October: 9:00am-5:00pm
November and from Jan. 11 to Mar. : 9:00am – 4:30pm
Dec. to Jan. 10: 1:00pm to 4:30pm
Moonlight and illumination period: ~9:00pm
* Check the official website for more details.
1,000 yen for adults, 500 yen for elementary/junior high school students, etc. (prices vary depending on the season, etc.)
* Check the official website for more details.
1) 25 min. by free shuttle bus from JR Yonago Station
2) 10 min. drive from Mizoguchi IC of Yonago Expressway
Credit Cards
Official Website
Official Website (English)