Ise Jingu

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Ise Jingu

A two-thousand-year-old Shinto shrine, filled with the origins of Japanese history, nature, and architecture.

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Known affectionately as "Oise-san," the shrine is usually called "Ise Jingu-Shrine," but officially, it is called "Jingu-Shrine". There are 125 shrines, including the Naiku-Sharine (Kotai-Jingu /Imperial Grand Shrine), which enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, the ancestral deity of the Imperial Family, and the Geku-Shrine (Toyo'ukedaijingu-Shrine), which enshrines the guardian deity of food, clothing, shelter, and industry, as well as other shrines, including annexes, branch shrines, and other shrines under the jurisdiction of the shrine. The shrine pavilions are made of cypress in the ancient Japanese architectural style called "Shinmei-zukuri." Every 20 years, the two main shrines and 14 annexes are rebuilt, and the go-shintai is moved to a new location.

The Naiku Shrine, built some 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Suinin Tennou, has as its sacred object "The Yata no Kagami," the Holy Mirror, one of the Sanshu no Jingi (three sacred treasures of Japan). Near the Naiku is a shrine lined with four Betsu ku(separate shrines): Tsukiyomi no Miya, which enshrines Tsukiyomi no Mikoto, Tsukiyomi Aramitama no Miya, Isanagi no Miya, which enshrines Amaterasu-Omikami and Tsukiyomi no Mikoto's parent deity, and Izanami no Miya.

Five hundred years after the construction of the Naiku Shrine, Toyouke-no-Omikami, the deity responsible for Amaterasu-Omikami's meals, was brought in from Tamba Province to build the Geku Shrine. Since then, the ritual of offering meals twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, to Amaterasu- Omikami, Aidono no Kami, and the deities of the Betsuku, has continued at the Outer Shrine.


  • The order of visiting Ise is not set, but the custom is to visit the Outer Shrine and then the Inner Shrine in that order.
  • The shrine is regarded as the guardian deity of the nation and is still revered as the main shrine throughout the country.
  • The shrine is also home to many large trees, and the Isuzu River and the vast natural surroundings are relaxing places to visit.


  • Crossing the Uji Bridge to the Naiku Shrine

    Crossing the Uji Bridge to the Naiku Shrine

  • Naiku-Shougu


  • Geku-Shougu


  • Thanksgiving for a massive harvest of the 5 grains to the "Niiname sai."

    Thanksgiving for a massive harvest of the 5 grains to the "Niiname sai."

  • Four Betsuku shrines, including Tsukiyomi no Miya Shrine, are lined up in a row.

    Four Betsuku shrines, including Tsukiyomi no Miya Shrine, are lined up in a row.


  • 艾元元


  • 艾玟珊


  • 賴宇蓁


  • AW-TWBoy1999


  • 簡玲



Name in Japanese
Ise Jingu Naiku: 1 Ujitachi-cho, Ise City, Mie
Ise Jingu Geku: 279 Toyokawa-cho, Ise City, Mie
0596-24-1111 (Shrine Office)
Open every day
January-April, September 5:00am-6:00pm,
May-August 5:00am-7:00pm,
October-December 5:00am-5:00pm
Geku: 5-minute walk from Ise-shi Station on the Kintetsu Line to the Sotogu.
Naiku: A short walk from Ise-shi Station (JR/Kintetsu Line) or Isuzugawa Station (Kintetsu Line) to "Uchikumiya-mae" bus stop by city bus. From Sotogu, take a city bus and get off at "Uchikumiya-mae" bus stop.
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Official Website (English)