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Former Shizutani School
The oldest public school in the world opened in a quiet valley.
This public school was opened for common citizens in 1670 by Okayama Domain’s lord, Ikeda Mitsumasa. It aimed to educate local people, not only samurais but also common citizens. In 1701, his subordinate, Nagatada Tsuda, spent over 30 years to complete the “Hall of Education” which had almost the same exterior as the current building.
Former Shizutani School’s assembly hall is designated as a national treasure. The gabled, hipped roof and the flower-topped windows are impressive on the exterior. The original thatched roof was changed to Bizen tiles during a remodeling. Today, the spacious Lecture Hall sustained by 10 zelkova pillars is used for the traditional study of Confucius, with students neatly sitting on the floor.
Seibyo (Sacred Hall) honors Confucius who started the teaching of Confucian, and holds a golden statue of Confucius which is shown to the public for a few days a year. Two grand pistache trees in front of the Sacred Hall were grown from the seeds in the forest of Qufu in Shandong, China. In fall, their leaves turn into blazing yellow and red.
There is a shrine which reveres the founder Ikeda Mitsumasa, as well as a museum in the school building set up in 1905 where you can see the treasured information on Former Shizutani School.
The oldest public school in the world opened for common people.
The national treasure, Lecture Hall, with the impressive reddish Bizen tile roof.
The Sacred Hall with a golden Confucius statue and a museum are close by.
The sturdy looking Lecture Hall with the bright Bizen tile roof *Photo provider: Former Shizutani School
The spacious Lecture Hall *Photo provider: Former Shizutani School
The Lecture Hall viewed from a stone bridge *Photo provider: Former Shizutani School
The Lecture Hall with a stone wall *Photo provider: Former Shizutani School
The Lecture Hall by the pistache trees and the Sacred Hall *Photo provider: Former Shizutani School
- Name in Japanese
- 旧閑谷学校
- Postal Code
- 705-0036
- Address
- 784 Shizutani, Bizen City, Okayama
- Telephone
- 0869-67-1436 (The historical site reception desk)
- Holiday
- December 29th-31st
- Hours
- 9:00am-5:00pm
- Admission
Adult 400 yen, Middle school / Elementary student 100 yen, Age 65 or older 200 yen
*Those who show the disability certificate: Free - Directions
1) From JR Yoshinaga Station, ride the city bus to Shizutani School Stop. The school is close by. (10 min, by taxi)
2) From JR Bizen-Katakami Station, ride the city bus to Shizutani School Stop. The school is close by. (13 min, by taxi)
*Check details of the city bus - Credit Cards
- Not accepted
- Official Website
- Official Website (English)