Palette Kumoji

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Palette Kumoji

A multi-purpose facility on Kokusai Street that houses a department store, theater, museum, and more.

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Centered around a department store, Palette Kumoji is a large multi-purpose facility that also includes a theater, movie theater, museum, and civic gallery. Located at the southern entrance of Kokusai Street, it serves as a starting point for exploring the area.

The building spans nine floors above ground and two basement levels, with the main attraction being the department store "Department Ryubo." This store features many brands that are unique to the region, making it a popular spot for local fashion enthusiasts. Additionally, it offers a wide selection of food and Okinawan confections, making it an excellent choice for tourists looking for souvenirs.
Other key attractions include the "Naha City Museum of History," which showcases the history of Naha, the "Cinema Palette" movie theater, the "Palette Civic Theater" for various events, and a citizen gallery. As a cultural hub in Naha, it attracts people of all ages and serves as a center for cultural activities.

Palette Kumoji is directly connected to the "Kencho-mae" station on the Yui Rail via a pedestrian bridge on the second floor, providing convenient and weatherproof access.


  • A multi-purpose facility at the entrance of Kokusai Street.
  • Home to a department store, movie theater, museum, and more.
  • Offers unique shops and is ideal for souvenir shopping.
  • Conveniently connected to Yui Rail's "Kencho-mae" station.


  • Located at the southern end of Kokusai Street, this large multi-purpose facility offers a variety of attractions and conveniences.

    Located at the southern end of Kokusai Street, this large multi-purpose facility offers a variety of attractions and conveniences.



Name in Japanese
Postal Code
1-1-1 Kumoji, Naha City, Okinawa
Varies by stores and facilities (Department Ryubo: January 1st)
Business hours
Varies by stores and facilities (Department Ryubo: 10:00am -8:00pm)
A 1-minute walk from Yui Rail's Kencho-mae station.
Credit Cards
Official Website
Official Website (Japanese)