Shirayama Shrine, located in Kiso-gun Ookuwa Village was established in 1334, during the late Kamakura period. It is part of 2700 Shirayama Shrines located across Ishikawa Prefecture, and the main pavilion being Shirayama Hime Shrine.
Crossing the torii gates, and climbing a 5 minute long stone staircase, visitors are greeted by a cute koma-inu statue, established in 1878. The main shrines of four representative shrines of mountain worship, Hakusan Shrine and Kumano Shrine, Izu Shrine, and Zao Shrine, stand side by side inside the stone-wall covering.
They were built at the time of the shrine's foundation and feature Kamakura architectural techniques such as the ikkensha shrine architectural style with cypress bark roofing and the misedana-zukuri style. These are well-preserved and have not been repaired in later periods, making them the oldest, and valuable shrine buildings still in existence in Nagano. They are also designated as nationally important cultural property.
The shrine grounds are surrounded by numerous large natural cedar and cypress trees, creating a solemn atmosphere that is typical of a Shinto sanctuary. Visitors are free to walk-around the grounds.