日本三景のひとつ「天橋立(あまのはしだて)」は、世界各国から年間200万人以上が訪れる人気の景勝地だ。 長い年月をかけて自然が作り出した美しい光景は、見る角度・場所によって異なる印象を与える。この記事では天橋立の四季折々の見どころと、絶対に訪れるべき4つのビュースポットを中心に紹介していく。
旅館、ヴィラ、グランピングとタイプの異なる宿泊施設を展開する「マリントピアリゾート」が2017年、天橋立に開業した旅館「天橋立離宮 星音」。すべての客室から眼前に日本海を見渡せるという非日常感のあるロケーションが魅力です。それぞれ趣が異なる全7室の客室はいずれも「Vitra」や「FritzHansen」など有名ブランドの家具を設置し、洗練された空間となっています。
As our bus pulled into Miyazu and up to Marinetopia not one of us were completely sure as to what our accommodations were going to be for the night. Only the word "Villa" was being passed around. Well, we got off the bus, met the manager, and were walked around and paired off and sent into our suites. I must say that what I walked into was much more stunning and beautiful than I imagined. From the beautiful shower/onsen bathroom to the long swimming pool in the backyard, this is a place where I would like to spend a few days. The first feature that caught my eye was the humongous and comfy couch in the center of the living room. The kitchen was elegant with a beautiful wood panel decor and had all the amenities that a kitchen may need. The toilet room was stylish and the toilet itself all of the amazing technology that makes Japanese toilets the best in the world. My favorite room in the house was a side room/building that housed a beautiful wooden table that was embedded into the floor. It is great place to have company and just hang out.
As for the meals, the BBQ that was fully prepared for us was absolutely delicious. There were amazing grade steaks from all different cuts, thick bacon, blackened grilled chicken, and grilled seared yellow fin tuna to name a few. They were wines from the local vineyards and winery and local craft beers. There was an array of deserts but the special surprise was the the marshmallows over the open fire that capped off the night.
For breakfast we taken to the hotel restaurant and given a traditional and beautifully plated Japanese breakfast. The manager also came to our table and gave us remarkably red and robust fresh strawberries that he handpicked from the hotel`s own farm!
Both the stay and the meals were better than I ever could have expected and that was with snow in the winter, I can only imagine how wonderful it is with sun in the summer.
Villa was amazing! Great facilities. Love the pool and onsen that comes with the room. The bbq dinner was incredible. The beef just melted in your mouth. Absolutely delicious.
Private onsen in villa was amazing! Super comfy couch and lounge area with incredible panoramic landscape and ocean view. Bbq dinner inside a large tented area was great! Eating grilled meats outdoors and with woodfire stoves for warmth made the experience feel rustic and charming. The chef served us grilled buri, a style of cooking fish which he called local "soul food". I enjoyed interacting with the chef and staff. The bedroom was peaceful and relaxing - waking up to the panoramic view in the living room was wonderful. Breakfast was traditional Japanese style which was a new experience.
All o tube meat at dinner was delicious! The room was extremely comfortable
I cannot describe in words how amazing this place. A wonderful experience, highly recommend!