かつて日本の首都だった奈良県には、世界遺産に認定された国宝・重要文化財の建築物・仏像が数多く残されており、観光地として高い人気を誇る。 京都と隣接していることもあり、京都と奈良をセットで訪れる観光客も多い。 京都よりも古い歴史を持つ奈良を観光するなら訪れてほしい観光スポットと、お勧めの宿泊施設・グルメ・お土産などを紹介しよう。
朝日館には、古き良き日本の伝統が今なお残っています。くつろぎの客室、旬の幸を盛り込んだ料理、心からのおもてなしなど魅力がたくさん! 滞在中はレイクカヤックや氷瀑トレッキングをはじめ、奈良県川上村ならではの自然体験も楽しみましょう。
気配りの行き届いた女将さんが出迎えてくれます。 © Katsuhiko Tsujimoto Photo
Asahikan is rustic mountain lodge which introduces regional cuisine like raw deer sashimi, wild boar hotpot, and barley rice porridge. The friendly owner makes rice using a wood burning stove called a “kamado” and showed us her kitchen.
The Taisho era glass windows were hand crafted and the building is a traditional inn with paper partitions between rooms, futons, karosene space heaters, and communal bathrooms, and sinks. It’s an authentic experience if you’d like to enjoy a stay in the Nara countryside.
The building was so pretty full of things of the past. The owner was such a nice lady and the food was amazing!
The meals and the landscape
The meals were delicious ♡ also I loved sleeping in the futon
Asahikan is a traditional Japanese hotel on a very rural mountainside. The staff are warm and welcoming and do their best to ensure the comfort of their guests. It has a beautiful garden which can be seen while walking to and from the shared washroom on the second floor. The food is prepared with love and are sure to make Japanese foodies very happy.