I really enjoyed this bike tour. Not only was a able to ride an electric bike for the first time, but I was able to ride a very nice electric bike! The two tour guides were really nice and friendly guys. One was formerly in the Japanese Self-Defense Force and the other was a fire fighter. It was easy to see their passion for starting this bike tour. Everywhere we went the locals would wave and say hello and I could see that our 2 guides have good relations with the people in the area. I really enjoyed being able to visit one of the fishing/boat houses, "Funaya". My favorite part of the bike tour experience was learning about the amazing history of the bay and and seeing it`s wild life. The area has a remarkable history of whaling and even up to 2 years ago, their last catch, when a whale comes into the bay a alert signal plays through town and the fisherman gather their boats and work together in catching it. As for the nature and wildlife, I have never ever...ever seen so many hawks before in my life. I remember looking up one time and there were about 25 flying above me. Near the end of the tour as we rounded a mountain bank there was a large red faced monkey in a tree above us. It was amazing to see one so close. Unfortunately the weather was rain, but strangely enough that did not bother me at all and I had a wonderful time.

Happy Ronin
Katie allen
Experiencing local fishing life and getting to know more about the beautiful town of Ine. Great to be outside on a bike to explore the town.
The visit of the ancient funaya
Using the electric bicycle in general and getting to go inside a fish house. Lots of good opportunities for photos
Seeing the fisher houses.
- 施設名称
- 伊根町観光協会
- 体験名称
- 舟屋群一周 e-rideツアー
- 住所
- 〒626-0423 京都府与謝郡伊根町字平田491
- 営業時間
- 10:00~、13:00~
- 定休日
- 12月1日~2月末日は休
- 予算
- ¥3,500~
- 支払い方法
- 現金のみ
- 電話
- 090-6787-6526
- 多言語サポート
- あり(英語)※簡単な対応のみ
- 公式サイト
- 公式サイト