豊かな自然に恵まれた「宇都宮」には、家族で楽しめる公園やレジャー施設などの観光スポットが満載だ。 餃子の街としても有名で、餃子専門店が多く、餃子の食べ比べも楽しめる。 この記事では「宇都宮」に訪れる方が知っておくべき、観光スポットやグルメスポットをご紹介。 記事を参考に宇都宮観光を思う存分楽しんでほしい。
園内にはアムールトラやライオンなどの猛獣類、キリンやゾウなどの草食類、猿類、鳥類・爬虫類、小獣類など全90種 400点の動物達を飼育。「なかよしランド」では、ウサギやモルモットなどのたくさんのふれあい動物と遊ぶことができる。販売されている餌を購入すれば、キリンやゾウに直接餌やり体験も可能。
It was heartbreaking to learn about the suffering of Miyako, the lonely elephant at Utsunomiya Zoo. Miyako was taken from her family and home shortly after she was born and has been held in a concrete enclosure for half a century. She has been denied interaction with other elephants, which is essential for her mental health. I urge you to reconsider your company’s association with such a cruel place.
Utsunomiya Zoo can’t begin to meet an elephant’s complex needs. PETA has offered to help transfer Miyako to a reputable facility where she could live with other elephants for the first time in five decades, but Utsunomiya Zoo’s owner has rejected this offer.
People worldwide are paying attention to Miyako’s plight and are appalled that Utsunomiya Zoo is unwilling to help her. Will you please urge the zoo’s owner to accept PETA’s offer to transfer her to a suitable facility?