is a travel information site which shows around Japan in multiple languages.
You can quickly catch the right info on places you want to visit. Our trusty review function allows you to gather from different perspectives at once. There are many contents which impress you “I didn’t know a place like this existed!” and “I didn’t know I could do that there!” We promise to make your trip more convenient and fun.
We Share Info in 9 AspectsWe Share Info in9 Aspects
we develop articles on attractive places in 9 aspects.
Read the notes on culture and history as well - knowing
them will make your journey more satisfying.
Not only standard tour spots, but we also feature lots of best-kept secrets and up-and-coming spots!

Outstanding restaurants, local gourmet food, family restaurants unique to Japan, and a variety of gourmet info.

Commerce Facilities
Newly-opened select commerce facilities, shops beloved by locals for a long time, etc.

We will navigate you to rare lodgings which can be the ultimate purpose of your trip!

We cover convenient means to move around and transportations that Riding itself is great tourism.

Festivals / Events
This section tells why you need to go right now - the festivals and events you don't want to miss.

Sure-to-please souvenirs are selected. Even if you know nothing about the locale, no worries!

Culture / History
Something may trigger you to want to know about Japan’s culture or history. We explain them simply.

Practical Travel Info
We provide money-saving tips and the “Glad I knew it ahead of time!” kind of info.

Info with 3 Features
Official Information
The content of our site is confirmed by the facility and locale. It is not only accurate but also comes with high-quality photos and videos which will take you to the place before your trip begins.

Official FAQ
We collected frequently-asked questions about particular facilities / places and answers from the officials. Reading them before a visit will give you peace of mind.
Accurate data
We renew info on a regular basis. Our staff directly asks the personnel at the facility / place and confirms the info to be trustworthy.
User Review
You can read the reviews with photos from the members registered at our site. Even if some are written in a different language, it comes with a translating function for your reference.

The third person view
The collective reviews from our users make up the valuable third person info. The post from the latest visitor increases the freshness of the info.
Top Review
This is the review from the professional travel journalist, which is seen at the top of the review column. You can see who is writing in the profile space.
Why is GOOD LUCK TRIP useful? It’s because professional travel journalists select the info which can be enjoyed by all travelers in Japan, not less, not more.

Pros select
People who have been sharing travel info for years and in the know select and post the spots. Of course, the listed locations can be enjoyed by foreign visitors with ease as well.
Data maintenance
We strive for fresh info at all times. In your trip where time is limited, we will not let you down after you took time to get there!
Travel around Japan as you wish. Something lovely will be waiting to meet you. GOOD LUCK TRIP hopes to trigger it for you. Tiny good luck can turn into an unforgettable memory. Travel is miraculous. May a small fortune come to meet you in your journey. Have a good trip!