Oyasukyo Daifunto

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Oyasukyo Daifunto

Feel the Earth's pulse with the powerful steam rising from this awe-inspiring hot spring.

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Located in the upper reaches of the Minase River in Akita Prefecture, "Oyasukyo Gorge" is a dramatic V-shaped canyon carved over centuries by the river's swift currents. The most famous attraction within this gorge is the "Oyasukyo Daifunto" (Great Geyser). Descend approximately 60 meters down the rocky steps to find a walkway where boiling water and steam erupt violently from the ground at various points. This impressive phenomenon, which feels like the Earth is breathing, is caused by the exposure of fissures in the geothermal reservoir, making this a rare geological feature unique to Oyasukyo.

From the Kawarayu Bridge that spans the gorge, you can also view the steam jets from above. The famous Edo-period traveler, Sugae Masumi, recorded his visit to this site in his "Takamatsu Diary," noting the "thunderous sounds like that of a god, with water bursting forth as the hot spring erupts."

In autumn, the trees lining both sides of the gorge turn into a stunning array of fall colors, drawing many visitors. During winter, enormous icicles, known locally as "shigakko," hang from the cliffs, creating an exceptionally beautiful scene.
*The walkway is typically closed from late November to late April due to snow.


  • The main attraction of the V-shaped "Oyasukyo Gorge," with a height difference of approximately 60 meters.
  • Experience the awe-inspiring sight of boiling water and steam erupting with great force.
  • Each season brings its own beauty: fresh greenery in spring, vibrant fall foliage, and icicles in winter.
  • Access to the Great Geyser is available from two entrances, upstream and downstream.
  • The "Kawarayu Bridge" offers a spectacular view directly above the Great Geyser.


  • The powerful sight of steam and boiling water erupting from the ground is awe-inspiring.

    The powerful sight of steam and boiling water erupting from the ground is awe-inspiring.

  • The gorge transforms into a stunning array of autumn colors in fall.

    The gorge transforms into a stunning array of autumn colors in fall.

  • The fresh greenery in spring provides a refreshing and beautiful view.

    The fresh greenery in spring provides a refreshing and beautiful view.

  • There are two entrances to the walkway, one upstream and one downstream.

    There are two entrances to the walkway, one upstream and one downstream.

  • The "Kawarayu Bridge" offers a spectacular vantage point directly above the Great Geyser.

    The "Kawarayu Bridge" offers a spectacular vantage point directly above the Great Geyser.

Official FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions have been vetted and answered directly by each listing.


Are there services in foreign languages? (If so, please provide the supported languages.)


By scanning the QR code on the information board near the entrance, you can access guidance in English.


Is it possible to re-enter the premises?


Yes, it is.


Is free WiFi available in the facility?


Not available.


Are coin lockers available?


Not available.



Name in Japanese
Postal Code
Aratokoro, Minase, Yuzawa City, Akita
0183-47-5080 (Yuzawa City Tourism and Product Association Minase Office)
Open for exploration year-round; however, the walkway is typically closed from late November to late April due to snow.
Business Hours
Walk anytime
About a 5-minute walk from "Oyasu Onsen" bus stop after taking the Ugo Kotsu "Yuzawa-Oyasu Line" from JR Yuzawa Station.
Credit Cards
Not accepted
Official Website
Official Website (Japanese)