Stroll around the aesthetically pleasing and spacious Kanazawa Castle Park.
This time I will introduce Kanazawa castle park. It’s a city park right next to Kenrokuen garden.
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A light-up event at one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, Kenrokuen.
Known as the residence of the 14th generation of the Maeda family of the Kaga Clan, "Kanazawa Castle", and the large garden "Kenrokuen" constructed in its outer citadel, are representative tourist attractions of Ishikawa and Kanazawa. Kenrokuen is famous as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan and has been designated as a special place of scenic beauty by the national government.
At such Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen, the light-up event "Kanazawa Castle & Kenrokuen Four Seasons Tale" is held for a limited period, where you can enjoy various natural beauty of the four seasons.
Typically, the event is held starting from the cherry blossom viewing period in spring, with stages in spring, early summer, autumn, and winter. In early July, there is a "Firefly Viewing Party", making it an event where you can fully enjoy the charms of each season.
Also, "Yukizuri", which protects tree branches from the weight of snow, is a winter tradition in Kanazawa and a sight worth seeing. The night scenery woven by snow and light is further colored with a fantastical charm, spreading a different romantic atmosphere from the daytime.
In addition to the light-up time being free admission, mini concerts and other events are also held, so be sure to check it out.
Kanazawa Castle illuminated amidst beautiful cherry blossoms at night
Summer light-up held in conjunction with the "Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Festival"
Glamorous autumn leaves light-up. Yukizuri begins in early November
Winter tradition "Yukizuri". The fantastical atmosphere of snow and light is a must-see
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